Further readingGenovate Toolkit


This section contains the references from the toolkit, and also some inspiration for those interested in further reading.

The Genovate Toolkit is also available as eBook.

Aagaard Nielsen, K. & Svensson, L. (eds.) Action Research and Interactive Research. Beyond Practice and Theory. Maastrich: Shaker Publishing

Abrahamsson, L., & Gunnarsson, E. (2002). Arbetsorganisation, kompetens och kön: i gränslandet mellan rörlighet och stabilitet. In K. Abrahamsson, L. Abrahamsson, P-E. Ellström, T. Björkman, & J. Johansson (eds), Utbildning, kompetens och arbete (In Swedish). pp. 225-254. Lund: Studentlitteratur

Acker, J. (1999) Gender and Organizations, In. J. Saltzman Chafetz’ (ed) Handbook of the Sociology of Gender. New York: Klüver Academic

Alves, M., Ehnberger, K., Jahnke, M. & Wikberg Nilsson, Å. (2016) NOVA- Verktyg för normkreativ innovation. (In Swedish). Stockholm: Vinnova

Berge, B. & Ve, H. (2000). Action research for gender equity. Buckingham: Open Univ. Press

Boal, A. (2002). Games for actors and non-actors. (2nd ed.) London: Routledge

Boal, A. (2008). Theatre of the oppressed. (New ed.) London: Pluto

Bustelo, M., Espinosa, J., Faúndez, A. & Weinstein, M. (2015) Guide to including a gender+ perspective in VOPEs: innovating to improve institutional capacities. EvalPartners, EES, IOCE and RELAC. [link]

Byréus, K. (2010). Du har huvudrollen i ditt liv: om forumspel som pedagogisk metod för frigörelse och förändring. (In Swedish). Stockholm: Liber

Derbyshire, H. (2013) ‘Gender Mainstreaming: a Theory of Change’. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. ‘Gender Mainstreaming Approaches in Development Programming: Being Strategic and Achieving Results in an Evolving Development Context’ UN WomenExpert Group Meeting.

Deutsch, F. M. (2007) Undoing Gender. Gender & Society, February 2007, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 106-127

European Commission (2009) Toolkit: Gender in EU-funded research. Brussels: European Commission

European Commission. (2011) Structural Change in Research Institutions: Enhancing Excellence, Gender Equality, and Efficiency in Research and Innovation. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.

European Commission (2011) Digital agenda for europe. [link]

European Commission (2013). Gendered innovations: how gender analysis contributes to research : report of the Expert group “Innovation through Gender”. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

European Commission (2015) Innovation union. [link]

Fenstermaker, S. & West. C. (eds.) (2002). Doing gender, doing difference: inequality, power, and institutional change. New York. Routledge

Florida, R. L. (2002). The rise of the creative class: and how it’s transforming work, leisure, community and everyday life. New York: Basic Books

Freeman, R. E. (1984) Strategic Management: A stakeholder approach. Boston: Pitman

Gunnarsson, E. (2007) Other sides of the Coin. A Feminist Perspective on Robustness in Science and Knowledge Production. International Journal of Action Research, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 1-6

Gunnarsson, E., & Westberg, H. (2008). Från ideal till verklighet: att kombinera ett könsperspektiv med en interaktiv ansats. In B. Johannisson, E. Gunnarsson, & T. Stjernberg (eds), Gemensamt kunskapande: den interaktiva forskningens praktik (In Swedish). pp. 251 – 273. Växjö: Växjö universitet. (Acta Wexionensia; Nr 149)

Haraway, D. (1997). Modest-Witness@Second-Millennium.FemaleMan-Meets-OncoMouse: feminism and technoscience. New York: Routledge Johannisson

Kanter, R. M. (1988) When a Thousand Flowers Bloom: Structural, collective and social conditions for innovation in organizations. In B. M. Staw & L.L. Cumming’s (eds) Research in Organizational Behavior, Vol. 10, pp.169-211. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press

Lorber, J. (2006) Shifting Paradigms and Challenging Categories. Social Problems, Nov. 2006, Vol. 53, Iss. 4, pp. 448-453

Mowery, D.C. & Rosenberg, N. (eds.) (1999). Paths of Innovation : Technological Change in 20th-Century America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Mukhopadhyay, M., Steehouwer, G. & Wong, F. (2006). Politics of the possible. Gender mainstreaming and organizational change. Experiences from the eld. Amsterdam. Royal Tropical Institute. [link]

Navarro Olivian .N. (2007) Desigualdades de género en las organizaciones: procesos de cambio organizacional pro equidad (In Spanish). San Salvador-El Salvador. PNUD. [link]

Murray, R., Caulier-Grice, J. & Mulgan, G. (2010) The Open Book of Social Innovation. [link]

Palmquist, L. (2014) Exploring selfefficiacy in end-user programming – a feminist approach. Umeå: Department of Computer Science, Umeå University

Patrick, H. A. & Kumar, V. R. (2012) Managing Workplace Diversity. Issues and Challenges. SAGE Open. Publications. (http://sgo.sagepub.com/content/2/2/2158244012444615 Accessed 2016-02-17)

Patton, M. Q. (2010) Developmental evaluation: Applying complexity concepts to enhance innovation and use. New York: The Guilford Press

Pekkarinen, S. & Harmaakorpi, V. (2011) Building regional innovation networks: the definition of an age business core process in a regional innovation system. Regional Studies, Vol. 40, Iss. 4, pp. 401-413

Rao, A. & Kelleher, D. (2005) Is there life after gender mainstreaming? Gender and Development, Vol 13, No. 2, pp. 57-69.

Rehn, A. (2010). Farliga idéer: när det opassande tänkandet är din värdefullaste resurs: en annorlunda bok om kreativitet (In Swedish). Stockholm: BookHouse

Schiebinger, L. & Schraudner, M. (2011) Interdisciplinary approaches to achieving gendered innovations in science, medicine and engineering. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 154-167

Schumpeter, J. A. (1934/1983) The theory of economic development: an inquiry into profits, capital, credit, interest, and the business cycle. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers

Stanford University (n.d.) Triple Helix Research Group. (http://triplehelix.stanford.edu/triplehelix Accessed 2017-02-17)

Svensson, L., Brulin, G., Ellström, P-E. & Widegren, Ö. (2002) Interaktiv forskning – för utveckling och praktik. (In Swedish). Stockholm: Arbetslivsinstitutet

Wennberg, P., Gunnarsson E., Källhammer E. & Teräs L. (2013) Innovation and Gender – How to Boost and Measure Change. Centre for Distance-spanning Technology, Sweden & Leena Teräs, University of Oulu. Luleå: Lule Grafiska. [link]

West, C. & Zimmerman, D.H. (1987) Doing Gender. Gender & Society, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 125-151

Wikberg Nilsson, Å., Fältholm, Y. & Abrahamsson, L. (2010) Reframing practice through the use of Personas. Reflective Practice, Vol. 11, No. 3, July 2010, pp. 285-298

Wikberg Nilsson, Å. (2012) Rethinking designing: Collaborative Probing of Work and Workplace Change. Luleå: Luleå University of Technology

Vinnova (2011). Innovation & gender. Stockholm: Tillväxtverket


Contributions from the project partners:

Ankara University, Turkey
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Trnava University, Slovakia
University College of Cork, Ireland
University of Bradford, UK
University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Special thanks to all colleagues, university academic managements, deans, heads of departments, members of other EU projects, companies and individual stakeholders for your input and comments.

The GENOVATE project has received funding from the European Union, Seventh Framework under Science in Society SiS 2012 2.1.1.-1 programme – grant agreement no. 321378.

In cooperation with the projects: GCP-Gender Contact Point and FUI-Research, Development and Innovation, which have received funding from the European Regional Development fund.